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Results of Public Meeting with BC Transit October 24th, 2023


Details of Public Meeting

Bus Service to Gorge Tillicum Community

On Tuesday October 24th, 2023, BC Transit held a 90 minute meeting with the public to share options for the future of transit in the Gorge/Tillicum area.

BC Transit Presentation

In addition to sharing the above presentation, representatives from BC Transit listened to impact statements and fielded questions about how decisions to the #11 service were made, as well as about how future services could work.

In preparation for the survey (link below) that BC Transit is running to get our input on the future of transit in our area, the GTCA requested ridership data for the #24 and #25 for Summer/Fall of 2023. You can find that data below:

Route 24 Ridership Data
Route 25 Ridership Data

While the ridership along the stops show that few people were using it between Admirals Walk and Tillicum Mall, there were roughly 60-70 riders per day (between the two routes) disembarking at Tillicum mall.

To give your feedback on how you want to see transit in the Gorge/Tillicum area, please go to:

Transit Amenities

At the meeting, we also learned that the placement of bus stops and amenities (shelters, benches, garbage receptacles) ultimately falls to the Municipality of Saanich.

We strongly recommend that you share your stories about the bus stops with the following decision makers at Saanich and present to them how you would like them to act:



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