Notice of Public Meeting
Bus Service to Gorge Tillicum Community
You are invited to a consultation with BC Transit on the future of transit service in our community, hosted by the Gorge Tillicum Community Association.
BC Transit recently announced that Route #11 will return in January 2024, with service from Admirals Rd to downtown along Gorge Rd. However, we are still losing frequent transit service to our community:

* Note: The above 2022 Weekday Peak Period was updated on October 16th after a correction from BC Transit. 2020 service times taken from 2020 and 2022 Internet cache of BC Transit Schedules
BC Transit is looking for feedback on this change, as well as other route options to connect our neighbourhood with regional destinations.
Your feedback can help restore frequent transit service to our community!
If you feel transit service should get better over time, not worse, please attend a community consultation on Tuesday October 24.
Event Details
Time: 7:00 pm
Date: Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Location: Victoria Scottish Community Centre
Please RSVP:
Google Map Link:
